deKay's Lofi Gaming

Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit (iPhone)

Lets just gloss over the fact there was a Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit game, and a sequel, about 10 years ago and get on to the rubbishing of the new one, yes? It’s rubbish. To be more specific, it’s a dull Chase HQ clone with awful stuttering problems (the game would pause for 5 seconds or more, sometimes!), a seemingly pointless handbrake turn (that rarely works anyway) and terrible rubber-banding. I played the first 6 events, didn’t really enjoy …

Assorted Xbox 360 Demos (360)

Caught up a bit tonight with some of the recent demos on the 360’s mrketplace. Frogger 2No. No no no. It’s like a horrible cute reimagining of Frogger, designed by a three year old. It’s horrible. And why on earth are there rotate button? And a bloody UFO?! And! The most irritating music and sound effect combo ever (especially when collecting lots of coins in one go – yes coins: why the hell does a frog need coins?). It’s all …

Grow Home (PS4): COMPLETED!

So many people were excited for this game, and voted it way ahead of two other potential PS+ titles this month as a result, but the majority of views of people after they’ve actually played it seem negative. Apparently, it’s “ruined” by screen tearing. It’s boring. The controls (specifically the climbing) are terrible, and so on. I’d like to suggest, that those people are idiots. Yes, there is screen tearing. But I only noticed it when it was pointed out …